Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

Announcement plugin properties

maven.announcement.version Yes Version for which to create a release note. ${pom.currentVersion}
maven.announcement.file Yes The file name that the announcement is generated into. ${maven.gen.docs}/announcements/announcement-${versionVariable}.txt
maven.announcement.repo.remote Yes Specify from which Maven remote repository the artifact for this project can be found. For now, this property does not exist in the POM (there's only a distributionSite and distributionDirectory which don't map to anything for the web). We'll need to remove this property once it makes it into the POM. ${maven.repo.remote}
maven.announcement.distributionUrl Yes Distribution location. ${maven.announcement.repo.remote}/${pom.groupId}/plugins
maven.announcement.stylesheet.path Yes Stylesheet to use to generate the text announcement. ${plugin.resources}/announcement.jsl
maven.announcement.mail.server Required for announcement:mail goal Address of the SMTP server used to send the email message. none
maven.announcement.mail.client Yes Name of the host/domain used to log on the SMTP server. localhost
maven.announcement.mail.subject Yes Subject of the announcement email message. [ANN] ${pom.name} %VERSION% released
maven.announcement.mail.from Yes Sender (email address) of the announcement message. First developer email found in the POM
maven.announcement.mail.to Required for announcement:mail goal Comma-separated list of To: address used as recipients of the announcement message. none
maven.announcement.encoding Yes Encoding used to generate the announcement file. UTF-8
maven.announcement.lenient Yes When set to false, the plugin will fail in the occurrence of any of the following conditions:

  • xdocs/changes.xml file is not available
  • xdocs/changes.xml has not a release entry for the current version
  • project.xml has not a version entry for the current version