Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.


Goal Available Description
ant since 1.0 This is the default goal of the plugin and simply attains the ant:generate-build goal.
ant:generate-build since 1.0 Generates an ant build file in the current directory which has targets to
  • Compile the java source code
  • Create a jar from the compiled java code
  • Create a distribution
  • Run unit tests
  • Generate JavaDoc
  • Download all required jar files
  • Download and install Maven

The generated file is located at ${maven.ant.generate.dir}/${maven.ant.generate.script}. If the file already exists the plugin ask to the user if he wants to overwrite it (except if the property maven.ant.generate.force is setted to true).

ant:execute since 1.10 Execute the ant build file located at ${maven.ant.execute.dir}/${maven.ant.execute.script}. Be careful, in this case ant uses the classpath given by maven, thus you can have a different behaviour if you use this task instead of the real ant application.