Type | Changes | By |
New site report (maven-modello-plugin) to generate the model documentation and the XML schema.
aheritier |
New goal modello:xsd
aheritier |
New goals modello:jpox and modello:jpox-metadata-class
aheritier |
New goals modello:jdom, and modello:jdom-writer
aheritier |
New goals modello:dom4j, modello:dom4j-reader and modello:dom4j-writer
aheritier |
New goals modello:stax, modello:stax-reader and modello:stax-writer
aheritier |
Automatically verify required properties.
aheritier |
Add a test to validate generations from modello plugins.
aheritier |
New property maven.modello.plugins to select plugins to call for the goal modello:modello
aheritier |
The property maven.modello.targetDirectory is replaced by maven.modello.java.targetDirectory,maven.modello.xsd.targetDirectory, and maven.modello.xdoc.targetDirectory
aheritier |
The plugin is now based on modello libraries 1.0-alpha-15.
aheritier |
Add plugin documentation and refactor web site.
aheritier |