Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.


Goal Description
modello Default goal for the plugin. It calls modello:modello.
modello:modello Code generation based on the property maven.modello.plugins. Each plugin listed in this property is called as a goal modello:pluginName. If maven.modello.plugins=java,stax,jpox a call to modello(:modello) will call goals modello:java, modello:stax, modello:jpox.
modello:java Generates Java Pojos of the DataModel in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory}.
Java - XML Mappings
modello:dom4j Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read/write the model from/into a xml file using Dom4j.
modello:dom4j-reader Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read the model from a xml file using Dom4j.
modello:dom4j-writer Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to write the model into a xml file using Dom4j.
modello:jdom Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to write the model into a xml file using JDom.
modello:jdom-writer Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to write the model into a xml file using JDom.
modello:stax Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read/write the model from/into a xml file using STAX RI.
modello:stax-reader Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read the model from a xml file using STAX RI.
modello:stax-writer Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to write the model into a xml file using STAX RI.
modello:xpp3 Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read/write the model from/to a xml file using Xpp3.
modello:xpp3-reader Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read the model from a xml file using Xpp3.
modello:xpp3-writer Generates the class in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to write the model into a xml file using Xpp3.
Java - Database Storage
modello:jpox Generates classes in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} to read/store the model in a database using JPox.
modello:jpox-jdo-mapping Generates in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} the JOD mapping for JPox (package.jdo).
modello:jpox-metadata-class Generates in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} MetaData class for JPox.
modello:jpox-store Generates in the directory ${maven.modello.java.targetDirectory} the JPox code to do the persistence of the model in a DB.
Documentation and validation
modello:xsd Generates an XML Schema in the directory ${maven.modello.xsd.targetDirectory} for the xml file used to store the model.
modello:xdoc Generates a xdoc file in the directory ${maven.modello.xdoc.targetDirectory} to document the model.