Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

Release History

1.7.1 2007-04-30
1.7 2005-12-12
1.6 2005-06-03
1.5.2 2004-11-10
1.5.1 2004-07-09
1.5 2004-06-28
1.4 2004-05-13
1.3 2004-03-22
1.2 2004-03-07
1.1 2003-09-29

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Release 1.7.1 - 2007-04-30

fix assert:assertPluginAvailable : Fix error (NoSuchElementException) if the minimum release number has less elements than the version number installed. aheritier
update Don't check that a given plugin version is available in the bootstrap. aheritier
update Update dependencies to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated : commons-jelly-tags-interaction v1.0 to v1.1, jaxen v1.0-FCS-full to 1.1-beta-9. The following dependencies are removed : saxpath. aheritier
update Upgrade to Xerces 2.8.0. Replace the deprecated xmlParserAPIs by xml-apis 1.3.03. Add the xml-resolver dependency for xerces. Fixes MAVEN-1753. aheritier
fix plugin:install fails if maven.jar.final.name is set. Fixes MPPLUGIN-35. ltheussl

Release 1.7 - 2005-12-12

update Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated :
  • commons-jelly-tags-xml v1.0 - > v1.1
  • commons-logging v1.0.3 - > v1.0.4
  • jdom v b10 - > v1.0
  • xercesImpl v 2.4.0 - > v2.6.2
  • xml-apis v 1.0.b2 - > xmlParserAPIs v2.6.2
Fixes MAVEN-1712.
add Allow plugin-test directory to be changed. Fixes MPPLUGIN-33. ltheussl
fix NTLM Proxy Problem. Fixes MPPLUGIN-25. Thanks to Jamie McCrindle, Barrie Treloar. ltheussl
fix plugin:download didn't redownload SNAPSHOT plugins. Fixes MPPLUGIN-26. carlos
add Resolve project.xml inheritance when installing plugin. plugin:plugin goal now requires at least maven 1.1 and maven-artifact-plugin 1.7. Fixes MPPLUGIN-3. aheritier
add new plugin:validate-xml tag to validate xml documents against a schema. ltheussl
add new assert:assertPluginAvailable tag to check if a minimal release of a plugin is present. aheritier

Release 1.6 - 2005-06-03

add Added new assert:assertFileContains tag that verifies if a file contains a specific string. vmassol
add Add plugin:generate-tags goal dion
add Mention in docs for the plugin:repository-deploy that it uses the artifact plugin dion

Release 1.5.2 - 2004-11-10

fix Remove deploy warning brett

Release 1.5.1 - 2004-07-09

add Prompt for artifactId, groupId and version if missing. Fixes MPPLUGIN-20. dion
add Add assertFileNotFound tag dion

Release 1.5 - 2004-06-28

fix Install to maven.plugin.dir instead of maven.home/plugins Fixes MPPLUGIN-16. brett
update More consistency in default goal naming (plugin:plugin) brett
update plugin goal no longer installs to local repository: use plugin:repository-install brett
update Use the artifact plugin instead of the deploy plugin brett

Release 1.4 - 2004-05-13

add Add plugin:uninstall-now that removes the plugin from the currently running instance of Maven. Fixes MAVEN-1219. brett
add Add a plugin:install-now goal that installs the plugin into the currently running instance of maven so that it can be used by subsequent goals. Fixes MAVEN-1219. brett

Release 1.3 - 2004-03-22

fix Create local repository directory first so plugin:download doesn't fail when it doesn't exist Fixes MPPLUGIN-13. brett
update Add optional msg attribute to assertFileExists and assertEquals tags dion
fix Don't uninstall incorrect plugins when running plugin:download Fixes MPPLUGIN-12. brett

Release 1.2 - 2004-03-07

update Fixed the plugin:download goal to work. Previously it would delete the plugin you just downloaded. Also now leverages the plugin:uninstall goal. epugh
add Added assert:assertEquals tag to verify if two values are equal while testing a plugin. vmassol
add Added assert:assertFileExists tag to verify if a file exists while testing a plugin. vmassol
add Add plugin:test goal dion
add Add plugin:repository-deploy goal brett
update Split plugin:download goal into plugin:download-artifact goal and the original goal that downloads and installs the plugin. Download to local repository as well. brett

Release 1.1 - 2003-09-29

add Added plugin:download goal dion
fix Fixed MAVEN-708. Fix the goals description generation if there is no plugin.jelly file. Fixes MAVEN-708. evenisse