Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.


xdoc The default goal. This goal simply executes the xdoc:generate-from-pom and xdoc:transform goals.
xdoc:generate-from-pom Generate a set of reports from your project.xml file. This includes the dependency, mailing list, project info, project reports and team list pages.
xdoc:transform Transforms user supplied documents into html.
xdoc:validate Validates the user xdoc documents. See Validation.
xdoc:navigation-validate Validates the navigation file ${maven.xdoc.navigation.file}. See Validation.
xdoc:sitemap Generates a sitemap from the information found in the navigation file ${maven.xdoc.navigation.file}. See Sitemap.
copy-user-bundles Copy user bundles in the XDOC plugin. Used for the i18n support.
clean-user-bundles Remove all user bundles from the XDOC plugin.