Require Matching Coordinates

This rule checks that the Maven coordinates (i.e. the project's groupId and artifactId) each match a given pattern. Optionally one can also enforce that in a multi-module build the module directory name is always equal to the module's artifactId.

The following parameters are supported by this rule:

  • message - an optional message to the user if the rule fails. If not set a default message will be used.
  • groupIdPattern - an optional regular expression, which must match the project's groupId. If not set there is no check on the groupId.
  • artifactIdPattern - an optional regular expression, which must match the project's artifactId. If not set there is no check on the artifactId.
  • moduleNameMustMatchArtifactId - boolean flag to enforce that the the module's directory name is always equal to the module's artifactId. By default false.

Sample Plugin Configuration:
