Require No Repositories

This rule checks that this pom or its parents don't define a repository.

The following parameters are supported by this rule:

  • banRepositories - Whether to ban non-plugin repositories. By default they are banned (true).
  • banPluginRepositories - Whether to ban plugin repositories. By default they are banned (true).
  • allowedRepositories - Specify explicitly allowed non-plugin repositories. This is a list of ids.
  • allowedPluginRepositories - Specify explicitly allowed plugin repositories. This is a list of ids.
  • allowSnapshotRepositories - Whether to allow repositories which only resolve snapshots. By default they are banned (false).
  • allowSnapshotPluginRepositories - Whether to allow plugin repositories which only resolve snapshots. By default they are banned (false).
  • message - an optional message to the user if the rule fails.

Sample Plugin Configuration (showing some defaults, defaults can be skipped):

                  <message>Best Practice is to never define repositories in pom.xml (use a repository manager instead)</message>