Invoker Report

The results of the Maven invocations.


Builds Success Failures Skipped Success Rate Total Time Avg Time
31 31 0 0 100.0% 48.3 s 1.6 s

Build Details

Name Result Time Message
MINSTALL-108/pom.xml success 5.6 s
MINSTALL-52/pom.xml success 1.6 s
MINSTALL-98/pom.xml success 2.3 s
MINSTALL-99/pom.xml success 1.3 s
attach-jar-checksum/pom.xml success 2.7 s
attach-release-jar/pom.xml success 1.2 s
gav-validation/pom.xml success 2.1 s
generate-pom-auto-1/pom.xml success 1.0 s
generate-pom-auto-2/pom.xml success 1.1 s
install-at-end-fail/pom.xml success 2.7 s
install-at-end-pass/pom.xml success 1.4 s
install-file-minstall-121-bundle/pom.xml success 1.0 s
install-file-minstall-121-java-source/pom.xml success 1.1 s
install-file-minstall-121-maven-archetype/pom.xml success 1.0 s
install-file-minstall-121-targz/pom.xml success 1.1 s
install-file-minstall-121-war/pom.xml success 1.0 s
install-file-minstall-121/pom.xml success 1.0 s
jar-sources-javadoc/pom.xml success 1.1 s
local-repo-override-with-checksum-generatePom/pom.xml success 1.0 s
local-repo-override-with-checksum/pom.xml success 1.0 s
local-repo-override/pom.xml success 1.0 s
minstall-55/pom.xml success 1.0 s
no-main-artifact-1/pom.xml success 3.1 s
no-main-artifact-2/pom.xml success 1.3 s
non-changed-artifact/pom.xml success 2.8 s
pom-checksum/pom.xml success 1.1 s
release-jar/pom.xml success 1.2 s
release-pom/pom.xml success 1.0 s
skip-install/pom.xml success 1.2 s
snapshot-jar/pom.xml success 1.2 s
snapshot-pom/pom.xml success 1.0 s