Installing Secondary Artifacts
Sometimes you need to install secondary artifacts after the main artifact has been installed in your local repository. To install a secondary artifact you need to use the classifier
parameter to classify the secondary artifact.
Let us assume that you want to install the sources for an old artifact, like commons-logging-1.0.3. The central repository only has the main artifact and a -javadoc
artifact for that version. Package up the sources into a JAR file on your local disk and then run the following command:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:3.1.4:install-file -Dfile=path-to-commons-logging-sources.jar \ -DgroupId=commons-logging \ -DartifactId=commons-logging \ -Dversion=1.0.3 \ -Dpackaging=jar \ -Dclassifier=sources
Note: By using the fully qualified path of a goal, you're ensured to be using the preferred version of the maven-install-plugin. When using mvn install:install-file
its version depends on its specification in the pom or the version of Apache Maven.