
Creating a Shaded JAR

The goals for the Shade Plugin are bound to the package phase in the build lifecycle.

mvn package

Configuring Your Shade Plugin

          <!-- put your configurations here -->

Resource Transformers

Transformers in org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource
ApacheLicenseResourceTransformerPrevents license duplication
ApacheNoticeResourceTransformerPrepares merged NOTICE
AppendingTransformerAdds content to a resource
ComponentsXmlResourceTransformerAggregates Plexus components.xml
DontIncludeResourceTransformerPrevents inclusion of matching resources
IncludeResourceTransformerAdds files from the project
ManifestResourceTransformerSets entries in the MANIFEST
ServicesResourceTransformerMerges META-INF/services resources
XmlAppendingTransformerAdds XML content to an XML resource

For more information, see samples.