Interface SettingsProblemCollector

public interface SettingsProblemCollector

Collects problems that are encountered during settings building.

Benjamin Bentmann

Method Summary
 void add(SettingsProblem.Severity severity, String message, int line, int column, Exception cause)
          Adds the specified problem.

Method Detail


void add(SettingsProblem.Severity severity,
         String message,
         int line,
         int column,
         Exception cause)
Adds the specified problem.

severity - The severity of the problem, must not be null.
message - The detail message of the problem, may be null.
line - The one-based index of the line containing the problem or -1 if unknown.
column - The one-based index of the column containing the problem or -1 if unknown.
cause - The cause of the problem, may be null.

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