Package org.apache.maven.settings.building

Interface Summary
SettingsBuilder Builds the effective settings from a user settings file and/or a global settings file.
SettingsBuildingRequest Collects settings that control the building of effective settings.
SettingsBuildingResult Collects the output of the settings builder.
SettingsProblem Describes a problem that was encountered during settings building.
SettingsProblemCollector Collects problems that are encountered during settings building.
SettingsSource Provides access to the contents of settings independently of the backing store (e.g. file system, database, memory).

Class Summary
DefaultSettingsBuilder Builds the effective settings from a user settings file and/or a global settings file.
DefaultSettingsBuilderFactory A factory to create settings builder instances when no dependency injection is available.
DefaultSettingsBuildingRequest Collects settings that control building of effective settings.
DefaultSettingsProblem Describes a problem that was encountered during settings building.
FileSettingsSource Wraps an ordinary File as a settings source.
StringSettingsSource Wraps an ordinary CharSequence as a settings source.
UrlSettingsSource Wraps an ordinary URL as a settings source.

Enum Summary
SettingsProblem.Severity The different severity levels for a problem, in decreasing order.

Exception Summary
SettingsBuildingException Signals one ore more errors during settings building.

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