Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Deprecated Work 1 @deprecated
FIXME Work 0 fixme, @fixme
Todo Work 7 todo, @todo

Each tag is detailed below:

Deprecated Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 1

org.apache.maven.cling.logging.impl.UnsupportedSlf4jBindingConfiguration Line
the arguments are ignored. Use the no-args constructor. 35

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 7

org.apache.maven.cling.extensions.BootstrapCoreExtensionManager Line
Enhance the PluginDependenciesResolver to provide a resolveCoreExtension method which uses a CoreExtension object instead of a Plugin as this makes no sense. 219
org.apache.maven.cling.invoker.LookupInvoker Line
get rid of this!!! 795
org.apache.maven.cling.invoker.mvn.resident.ResidentMavenInvoker Line
in a moment Maven stop pushing user properties to system properties (and maybe something more) and allow multiple instances per JVM, this may become a pool? derive key based in invokerRequest? 65
org.apache.maven.cling.invoker.mvnsh.builtin.BuiltinShellCommandRegistryFactory Line
add goals dynamically 209
org.apache.maven.cling.props.MavenProperties Line
--No comment-- 1119
org.apache.maven.cling.transfer.AbstractMavenTransferListener Line
This needs to be colorized 65
org.apache.maven.cling.transfer.Slf4jMavenTransferListener Line
should we deprecate? 43