Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Error |
header |
RegexpHeader |
Line does not match expected header line of '^package '. |
1 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 28 should be on a new line. |
40 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 83 should be on a new line. |
42 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
44 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
44 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 38 should be on a new line. |
44 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 27 should be on a new line. |
49 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 91 should be on a new line. |
54 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 54 should be on a new line. |
56 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 70 should be on a new line. |
57 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 67 should be on a new line. |
59 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 66 should be on a new line. |
60 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 50 should be on a new line. |
62 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 61 should be on a new line. |
67 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 35 should be on a new line. |
74 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
81 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
81 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 55 should be on a new line. |
81 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
82 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
82 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 33 should be on a new line. |
82 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' at column 9 should be alone on a line. |
84 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
84 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
84 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 65 should be on a new line. |
84 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' at column 9 should be alone on a line. |
86 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 16 should be on a new line. |
86 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
87 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
87 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 40 should be on a new line. |
87 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
91 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
91 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
94 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
94 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
96 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
96 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
101 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
101 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 36 should be on a new line. |
102 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
106 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
106 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 49 should be on a new line. |
106 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
107 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
107 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
110 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
110 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 49 should be on a new line. |
110 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
111 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
111 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 26 should be on a new line. |
111 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' at column 9 should be alone on a line. |
113 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
113 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
113 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 57 should be on a new line. |
113 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' at column 9 should be alone on a line. |
115 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 16 should be on a new line. |
115 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
116 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
116 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 33 should be on a new line. |
116 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
121 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
121 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
123 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
123 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
128 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
128 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 40 should be on a new line. |
129 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
133 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
133 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 58 should be on a new line. |
133 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
134 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
134 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
137 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
137 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 51 should be on a new line. |
137 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
138 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
138 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 49 should be on a new line. |
138 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
141 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
141 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 68 should be on a new line. |
144 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
147 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
147 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 34 should be on a new line. |
147 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
152 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
152 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 33 should be on a new line. |
152 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
153 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
153 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 29 should be on a new line. |
153 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
156 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
156 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 27 should be on a new line. |
160 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 68 should be on a new line. |
165 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
169 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
169 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 47 should be on a new line. |
169 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
175 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
175 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 33 should be on a new line. |
175 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
176 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
176 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 29 should be on a new line. |
176 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' at column 13 should be alone on a line. |
178 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
178 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
178 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 36 should be on a new line. |
178 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
181 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
181 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 27 should be on a new line. |
185 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 68 should be on a new line. |
190 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
193 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
193 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 47 should be on a new line. |
193 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
197 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
197 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
199 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
199 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 33 should be on a new line. |
199 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 27 should be on a new line. |
204 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 51 should be on a new line. |
210 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
212 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
212 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 33 should be on a new line. |
212 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
217 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
217 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 41 should be on a new line. |
217 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
222 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
222 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 58 should be on a new line. |
222 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
227 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
227 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 51 should be on a new line. |
227 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
232 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
232 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 51 should be on a new line. |
232 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 29 should be on a new line. |
237 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
242 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
242 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 62 should be on a new line. |
242 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
247 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
247 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 59 should be on a new line. |
247 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
252 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
252 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 51 should be on a new line. |
252 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 39 should be on a new line. |
257 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
258 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
258 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 47 should be on a new line. |
262 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
263 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
263 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
267 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
267 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 56 should be on a new line. |
267 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
268 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
268 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 46 should be on a new line. |
268 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
269 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
269 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
271 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
271 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
275 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
275 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 60 should be on a new line. |
275 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
276 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
276 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 32 should be on a new line. |
276 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
277 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
277 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
279 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
279 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 35 should be on a new line. |
279 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
280 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
280 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
282 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
282 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 38 should be on a new line. |
282 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
283 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
283 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
285 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
285 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
288 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
288 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 68 should be on a new line. |
288 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
289 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
289 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 64 should be on a new line. |
292 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
296 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
296 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 57 should be on a new line. |
296 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
302 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
302 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 37 should be on a new line. |
302 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
303 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
303 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 50 should be on a new line. |
303 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
304 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
304 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
306 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
306 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 31 should be on a new line. |
310 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 54 should be on a new line. |
315 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
318 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
318 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 36 should be on a new line. |
318 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 38 should be on a new line. |
323 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 29 should be on a new line. |
328 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
329 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
329 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 42 should be on a new line. |
333 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 33 should be on a new line. |
338 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
339 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
339 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 36 should be on a new line. |
343 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 40 should be on a new line. |
348 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 34 should be on a new line. |
353 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
358 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
358 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 34 should be on a new line. |
358 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
363 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
363 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 34 should be on a new line. |
363 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 58 should be on a new line. |
369 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
370 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
370 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 48 should be on a new line. |
370 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
372 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
372 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 32 should be on a new line. |
372 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
374 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
374 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 70 should be on a new line. |
374 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
375 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
375 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
381 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
381 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 53 should be on a new line. |
381 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
386 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
386 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 42 should be on a new line. |
386 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
391 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
391 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 41 should be on a new line. |
391 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 29 should be on a new line. |
396 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
401 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
401 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 88 should be on a new line. |
401 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
406 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
406 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 61 should be on a new line. |
406 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
411 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
411 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 57 should be on a new line. |
411 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
416 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
416 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 78 should be on a new line. |
416 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
421 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
421 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 57 should be on a new line. |
421 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
426 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
426 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 96 should be on a new line. |
426 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
431 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
431 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 117 should be on a new line. |
431 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
436 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
436 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 108 should be on a new line. |
436 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
441 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
441 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 120 should be on a new line. |
441 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 72 should be on a new line. |
446 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
449 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
449 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 38 should be on a new line. |
449 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
450 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
450 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 44 should be on a new line. |
454 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 60 should be on a new line. |
455 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 57 should be on a new line. |
457 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 56 should be on a new line. |
458 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 50 should be on a new line. |
462 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 51 should be on a new line. |
467 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
468 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
468 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 47 should be on a new line. |
468 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 35 should be on a new line. |
477 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 72 should be on a new line. |
484 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
487 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
487 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 37 should be on a new line. |
487 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 44 should be on a new line. |
492 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 60 should be on a new line. |
493 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 57 should be on a new line. |
495 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 56 should be on a new line. |
496 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 50 should be on a new line. |
500 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
504 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
504 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 51 should be on a new line. |
506 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
507 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
507 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 57 should be on a new line. |
507 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 35 should be on a new line. |
516 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 112 should be on a new line. |
523 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
525 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
525 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 88 should be on a new line. |
525 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
530 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
530 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 46 should be on a new line. |
530 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
535 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
535 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 57 should be on a new line. |
535 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
540 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
540 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 63 should be on a new line. |
540 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
545 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
545 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 42 should be on a new line. |
545 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
550 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
550 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 91 should be on a new line. |
550 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
555 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
555 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 107 should be on a new line. |
555 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
560 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
560 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 98 should be on a new line. |
560 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
565 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
565 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 105 should be on a new line. |
565 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 106 should be on a new line. |
570 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
572 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
572 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 51 should be on a new line. |
572 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
577 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
577 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 33 should be on a new line. |
577 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
582 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
582 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 41 should be on a new line. |
582 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
587 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
587 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 51 should be on a new line. |
587 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 29 should be on a new line. |
592 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
'(' is not followed by whitespace. |
597 |
Error |
whitespace |
ParenPad |
')' is not preceded with whitespace. |
597 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 62 should be on a new line. |
597 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' at column 56 should be on a new line. |
602 |