Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Deprecated Work 60 @deprecated
FIXME Work 1 fixme, @fixme
Todo Work 120 todo, @todo

Each tag is detailed below:

Deprecated Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 60

org.apache.maven.ArtifactFilterManager Line
use {@code META-INF/maven/extension.xml} to define artifacts exported by Maven core and plugin extensions. 33
use {@code META-INF/maven/extension.xml} to define artifacts exported by Maven core and plugin extensions. 49
org.apache.maven.ArtifactFilterManagerDelegate Line
use {@code META-INF/maven/extension.xml} to define artifacts exported by Maven core extensions. 24
org.apache.maven.DefaultProjectDependenciesResolver Line
As of 3.2.2, and there is no direct replacement. This is an internal class which was not marked as such, but should have been. 47
org.apache.maven.ProjectDependenciesResolver Line
As of 3.2.2, and there is no direct replacement. This is an internal class which was not marked as such, but should have been. 31
org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.DefaultArtifactHandler Line
This ctor is present only for Plexus XML defined component compatibility, do not use it. 48
org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException Line
use {@link #ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException(String, Throwable, Artifact)} 32
use {@link #ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException(String, Throwable, Artifact)} 41
use {@link #ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException(String, Throwable, Artifact)} 51
org.apache.maven.classrealm.ClassRealmRequest Line
Use {@link #getParentImports()} instead. 71
org.apache.maven.execution.DefaultMavenExecutionRequest Line
use {@link #setPom(File)} 574
org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequest Line
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProjectActivation()}. 152
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProjectActivation()}. 158
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProjectActivation()}. 167
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProjectActivation()}. 175
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProfileActivation()}. 287
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProfileActivation()}. 293
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProfileActivation()}. 299
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProfileActivation()}. 306
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProfileActivation()}. 312
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProfileActivation()}. 318
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProfileActivation()}. 324
Since Maven 4: use {@link #getProfileActivation()}. 331
org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession Line
This appears not to be used anywhere within Maven itself. 272
Use either {@link #getUserProperties()} or {@link #getSystemProperties()}. 410
org.apache.maven.execution.ProfileActivation Line
Use {@link #getRequiredActiveProfileIds()} and {@link #getOptionalActiveProfileIds()} instead. 40
Use {@link #getRequiredInactiveProfileIds()} and {@link #getOptionalInactiveProfileIds()} instead. 49
Use {@link #activateOptionalProfile(String)} or {@link #activateRequiredProfile(String)} instead. 59
Use {@link #deactivateOptionalProfile(String)} or {@link #deactivateRequiredProfile(String)} instead. 70
org.apache.maven.execution.ProjectActivation Line
Use {@link #getRequiredActiveProjectSelectors()} and {@link #getOptionalActiveProjectSelectors()} instead. 107
Use {@link #getRequiredInactiveProjectSelectors()} and {@link #getOptionalInactiveProjectSelectors()} instead. 117
Use {@link #activateOptionalProject(String)} or {@link #activateRequiredProject(String)} instead. 128
Use {@link #deactivateOptionalProject(String)} or {@link #deactivateRequiredProject(String)} instead. 140
org.apache.maven.graph.DefaultGraphBuilder Line
Use {@link #DefaultGraphBuilder(BuildResumptionDataRepository, PomlessCollectionStrategy, MultiModuleCollectionStrategy, RequestPomCollectionStrategy)} instead or rely on JSR 330 74
org.apache.maven.graph.DefaultProjectDependencyGraph Line
Use {@link #DefaultProjectDependencyGraph(Collection, Collection)} instead. 74
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycles Line
Rely on {@link #DefaultLifecycles(PlexusContainer)} instead 63
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.stub.LifecycleExecutionPlanCalculatorStub Line
instead use {@link #getNumberOfExecutions(ProjectBuildList)} 101
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.mapping.DefaultLifecycleMapping Line
use lifecycles instead 38
Should not be used in Java code. 45
org.apache.maven.plugin.CacheUtils Line
Use {@link Objects#equals(Object)} 35
Use {@link Objects#hashCode(Object)} 43
org.apache.maven.plugin.DebugConfigurationListener Line
Use {@link #DebugConfigurationListener(Logger)} instead. 37
org.apache.maven.plugin.MavenPluginManager Line
Use {@link #checkPrerequisites(PluginDescriptor)} instead. 74
org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingRequest Line
This got added when implementing MNG-2199 and is no longer used. Commit 6cf9320942c34bc68205425ab696b1712ace9ba4 updated the way 'MavenProject' objects are initialized. 196
This got added when implementing MNG-2199 and is no longer used. Commit 6cf9320942c34bc68205425ab696b1712ace9ba4 updated the way 'MavenProject' objects are initialized. 207
org.apache.maven.project.DuplicateProjectException Line
use {@link #DuplicateProjectException(String, File, File, String)} 36
use {@link #DuplicateProjectException(String, File, File, String)} 43
org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject Line
Please use {@link MavenProjectHelper} 788
Use MavenProjectHelper.attachArtifact(..) instead. 1630
Use {@link org.apache.maven.model.io.ModelWriter}. 1636
Use {@link org.apache.maven.model.io.ModelWriter}. 1645
org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException Line
use {@link #getPomFile()} 73
org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingRequest Line
This got added when implementing MNG-2199 and is no longer used. Commit 6cf9320942c34bc68205425ab696b1712ace9ba4 updated the way 'MavenProject' objects are initialized. 174
This got added when implementing MNG-2199 and is no longer used. Commit 6cf9320942c34bc68205425ab696b1712ace9ba4 updated the way 'MavenProject' objects are initialized. 182
org.apache.maven.repository.DelegatingLocalArtifactRepository Line
instead use {@link #getIdeWorkspace()} 59
org.apache.maven.repository.legacy.metadata.ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException Line
use {@link #ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException(String, Throwable, Artifact)} 33
use {@link #ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException(String, Throwable, Artifact)} 42
use {@link #ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException(String, Throwable, Artifact)} 52
org.apache.maven.toolchain.DefaultToolchainsBuilder Line
instead use {@link org.apache.maven.toolchain.building.DefaultToolchainsBuilder} 35
org.apache.maven.toolchain.java.DefaultJavaToolChain Line
clients that do not require compatibility with Maven 3.2.3 and earlier should link to {@link JavaToolchainImpl} instead. 29


Number of occurrences found in the code: 1

org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject Line
This is hacky. What if module directory doesn't match artifactid, and parent is coming from the repository?? 1264

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 120

org.apache.maven.AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant Line
This is too early for build extensions, so maybe just remove it? 58
org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven Line
Hack to make the cycle detection the same for the new graph builder 157
org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException Line
it may be better for artifact.getFile() to throw it - perhaps it is a runtime exception? 25
org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.MavenArtifactRepository Line
completely separate local and remote artifact repositories 35
need to URL decode for spaces? 226
org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.AbstractRepositoryMetadata Line
not sure that it should assume this, maybe the calls to addMetadata should pre-merge, then artifact replaces? 151
not sure that it should assume this, maybe the calls to addMetadata should pre-merge, then artifact replaces? 158
org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadata Line
not happy about the store method - they use "this" 28
org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionResult Line
carlos: all these possible has*Exceptions and get*Exceptions methods make the clients too complex requiring a long list of checks, need to create a parent/interface/encapsulation for the types of exceptions 43
this needs to accept a {@link OverConstrainedVersionException} as returned by {@link #getVersionRangeViolation(int)} but it's not used like that in DefaultLegacyArtifactCollector 163
org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ResolutionListener Line
Use the following two instead of manageArtifact 80
Remove ResolutionListenerDM interface 81
org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ResolutionNode Line
if it was null, we really need to go find them now... or is this taken care of by the ordering? 177
org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ExcludesArtifactFilter Line
I think this is equiv. to exclusion set filter in maven-core 29
org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.IncludesArtifactFilter Line
what about wildcards? Just specifying groups? versions? 46
org.apache.maven.execution.BuildSummary Line
Validate for < 0? 50
org.apache.maven.execution.DefaultMavenExecutionRequest Line
this does not belong here. 916
org.apache.maven.internal.impl.AbstractSession Line
--No comment-- 122
--No comment-- 131
org.apache.maven.internal.impl.DefaultNode Line
--No comment-- 69
org.apache.maven.internal.impl.DefaultProjectManager Line
apiv4 69
apiv4 118
apiv4 146
org.apache.maven.internal.impl.DefaultSession Line
--No comment-- 281
org.apache.maven.internal.impl.DefaultTransport Line
check file size and prevent OOM? 81
org.apache.maven.internal.impl.TestRepositorySystem Line
Auto-generated method stub 191
Auto-generated method stub 289
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor Line
This whole method could probably removed by injecting lifeCyclePluginAnalyzer straight into client site. 102
But for some reason the whole plexus appcontext refuses to start when I try this. 103
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycles Line
The configuration for the lifecycle needs to be externalized so that I can use the annotations properly for the wiring and reference and external source for the lifecycle configuration. 43
Remove the following code when maven-compat is gone This code is here to ensure maven-compat's EmptyLifecycleExecutor keeps on working. 145
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.MavenExecutionPlan Line
lifecycles being executed 36
what runs in each phase 37
plugins that need downloading 38
project dependencies that need downloading 39
unfortunately the plugins need to be downloaded in order to get the plugin.xml file. need to externalize this from the plugin archive. 40
this will be the class that people get in IDEs to modify 42
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.DefaultLifecycleExecutionPlanCalculator Line
take repo mans into account as one may be aggregating prefixes of many 523
collect at the root of the repository, read the one at the root, and fetch remote if something is missing or the user forces the issue 524
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.DependencyContext Line
From a concurrency perspective, this class is not good. The combination of mutable/immutable state is not nice 38
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoDescriptorCreator Line
take repo mans into account as one may be aggregating prefixes of many 226
collect at the root of the repository, read the one at the root, and fetch remote if something is missing or the user forces the issue 227
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor Line
ideally, the builder should take care of the ordering in a smarter way 220
and concurrency issues fixed with MNG-7157 221
when resolver 1.7.3 is released, the code below should be changed to 277
Map<MavenProject, Lock> locks = ( Map ) ((Map) data).computeIfAbsent( 278
ProjectLock.class, l -> new ConcurrentHashMap<>() ); 279
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.ProjectBuildList Line
Optimize; or maybe just rewrite the whole way aggregating mojos are being run. 51
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.ProjectBuildListTest Line
Make multiple segments on projectBuildList 45
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.ProjectIndex Line
Kristian wonders if this class really is necessary and if it overlaps other concepts. 38
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.TaskSegment Line
Consider throwing UnsupportedSomething on hashCode/equals 65
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.builder.BuilderCommon Line
I'm really wondering where this method belongs; smells like it should be on MavenProject, but for some reason it isn't ? This localization is kind-of a code smell. 205
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.builder.multithreaded.MultiThreadedBuilder Line
MNG-5766 changes likely made this redundant 177
org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager Line
the antrun plugin has its own configurator, the only plugin that does. might need to think about how that works 48
remove the coreArtifactFilterManager 49
pluginDescriptor classRealm and artifacts are set as a side effect of this call, which is not nice. 197
org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManagerTest Line
These two tests display a lack of symmetry with respect to the input which is a free form string and the mojo descriptor which comes back. All the free form parsing needs to be done somewhere else, this is really the function of the CLI, and then the pre-processing of that output still needs to be fed into a hinting process which helps flesh out the full specification of the plugin. The plugin manager should only deal in concrete terms -- all version finding mumbo jumbo is a customization to base functionality the plugin manager provides. 92
turn an equivalent back on when the RR plugin is released. 101
this will be the basis of the customizable lifecycle execution so need to figure this out quickly. 126
org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator Line
don't catch exception 188
don't catch exception 210
don't catch exception 230
don't catch exception 267
without #, this could just be an evaluate call... 311
Copied from the DefaultInterpolator. We likely want to resurrect the PathTranslator or at least a similar component for re-usage 347
org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginParameterExpressionEvaluatorTest Line
Auto-generated method stub 412
org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginParameterExpressionEvaluatorV4 Line
v4 174
v4 179
don't catch exception 191
v4 206
don't catch exception 218
v4 223
v4 227
don't catch exception 239
v4 244
v4 247
don't catch exception 279
without #, this could just be an evaluate call... 323
Copied from the DefaultInterpolator. We likely want to resurrect the PathTranslator or at least a similar component for re-usage 359
org.apache.maven.plugin.internal.DefaultMavenPluginManager Line
could the configuration be passed to lookup and the configurator known to plexus via the descriptor so that this method could entirely be handled by a plexus lookup? 620
store plugin version 777
figure out how to use the same PluginDescriptor when running mojos 808
org.apache.maven.plugin.internal.DefaultPluginDependenciesResolver Line
We currently cannot tell which <dependencyManagement> section contained the management information. When the resolver provides this information, these log messages should be updated to contain it. 244
org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingHelper Line
not used? Then remove 69
org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectDependenciesResolver Line
We currently cannot tell which <dependencyManagement> section contained the management information. When the resolver provides this information, these log messages should be updated to contain it. 236
org.apache.maven.project.DuplicateArtifactAttachmentException Line
Make this a checked exception, and modify the API of MavenProjectHelper. Currently, this modification would create compatibility problems for existing plugins. 29
org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject Line
I would like to get rid of this. jvz. 223
let the scope handler deal with this 329
this checking for file == null happens because the resolver has been confused about the root artifact or not. things like the stupid dummy artifact coming from surefire. 341
let the scope handler deal with this 375
this should not be allowed to be null. 426
classpath check doesn't belong here - that's the other method 1343
let the scope handler deal with this 1345
let the scope handler deal with this 1367
classpath check doesn't belong here - that's the other method 1391
let the scope handler deal with this 1435
classpath check doesn't belong here - that's the other method 1457
let the scope handler deal with this 1459
let the scope handler deal with this 1478
classpath check doesn't belong here - that's the other method 1492
let the scope handler deal with this 1494
let the scope handler deal with this 1514
org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuilderTest Line
a similar test should be created to test the dependency management (basically all usages of DefaultModelBuilder.getCache() are affected by MNG-6530 167
org.apache.maven.project.ProjectSorter Line
!![jc; 28-jul-2005] check this; if we're using '-r' and there are aggregator tasks, this will result in weirdness. 251
org.apache.maven.project.artifact.ActiveProjectArtifact Line
I think this exposes a design flaw in that the immutable and mutable parts of an artifact are in one class and should be split. ie scope, file, etc depend on the context of use, whereas everything else is immutable. 40
org.apache.maven.project.artifact.MavenMetadataSource Line
hack: don't rebuild model if it was already loaded during reactor resolution 177
shouldn't the versions be merged across relocations? 587
org.apache.maven.project.artifact.PluginArtifact Line
this is duplicate of MavenPluginArtifactHandlerProvider provided one 58
org.apache.maven.project.artifact.ProjectArtifact Line
this is duplicate of PomArtifactHandlerProvider provided one 63
org.apache.maven.repository.TestRepositoryConnector Line
Auto-generated method stub 129
org.apache.maven.repository.TestRepositorySystem Line
Auto-generated method stub 188
Auto-generated method stub 288
org.apache.maven.settings.DefaultMavenSettingsBuilder Line
This replacing shouldn't be necessary as user.home should be in the context of the container and thus the value would be interpolated by Plexus 115
org.apache.maven.settings.SettingsUtilsTest Line
deep compare the lists 150
deep compare the lists 153
org.apache.maven.toolchain.DefaultToolchainManager Line
this class is extended, needs refactoring 46
why is this using the context 125
org.apache.maven.toolchain.DefaultToolchainManagerPrivate Line
refactor this, component extending component is bad practice. 34
org.apache.maven.toolchain.RequirementMatcherFactory Line
error reporting 76
org.apache.maven.toolchain.ToolchainFactory Line
keep around?? */ 38