Using Maven File Management API In A MOJO

This part explains how to use the Maven File Management API in a Maven Plugin.

Add File Management API dependency

The first step is to add the File Management API as a Maven dependency, i.e. in the pom.xml:


Add FileSet in a MOJO

The second step is to create your MOJO and add a FileSet object:

 * My MOJO
@Mojo( name = "myGoal" )
public class MyMojo
    extends AbstractMojo
     * A list of <code>fileSet</code> rules to select files and directories.
    private FileSet[] filesets;

     * A specific <code>fileSet</code> rule to select files and directories.
    private FileSet fileset;


To use the FileSet object, you need to instantiate the FileSetManager.

FileSetManager fileSetManager = new FileSetManager();

String[] includedFiles = fileSetManager.getIncludedFiles( fileset );
String[] includedDir = fileSetManager.getIncludedDirectories( fileset );
String[] excludedFiles = fileSetManager.getExcludedFiles( fileset );
String[] excludedDir = fileSetManager.getExcludedDirectories( fileset );
fileSetManager.delete( fileset );

Configure your Maven Plugin

The last step is the Maven Plugin configuration.

          <!-- List of filesets -->

          <!-- Given fileset -->
