Introspecting a class

Maven Runtime can introspect a class to obtain its related Maven project's metadata.

Note that this relies on the Maven descriptor files being unique relative to the class being introspected. For example, this is true within a jar produced by the Maven Jar Plugin, and also within a jar inside a war. This does not hold within a jar built by Maven Assembly Plugin's jar-with-dependencies descriptor, since there are multiple Maven descriptors relative to a given class, resulting in an ambiguity.

Using project properties

To obtain a MavenProjectProperties instance for a class's Maven project:

 * @component
private MavenRuntime runtime;

public void processProject() throws MavenRuntimeException
    MavenProjectProperties project = runtime.getProjectProperties( MyClass.class );
    // process project

Using project XML

To obtain a MavenProject instance for a class's Maven project:

 * @component
private MavenRuntime runtime;

public void processProject() throws MavenRuntimeException
    MavenProject project = runtime.getProject( MyClass.class );
    // process project