Uses of Class

Packages that use Session
org.apache.maven.jelly.tags.maven Various jelly tags provided by Maven to allow easier access its facilities. 
org.apache.maven.jelly.tags.werkz Extensions to Werkz
org.apache.maven.werkz The werkz goal-oriented process framework. 

Uses of Session in org.apache.maven.jelly.tags.maven

Methods in org.apache.maven.jelly.tags.maven with parameters of type Session
 void DummyAction.performAction(Session session)
 void ListAddAction.performAction(Session session)

Uses of Session in org.apache.maven.jelly.tags.werkz

Methods in org.apache.maven.jelly.tags.werkz that return Session
 Session MavenAttainGoalTag.createSession()
          Retrieve the Session to use, if set.

Methods in org.apache.maven.jelly.tags.werkz with parameters of type Session
(package private)  void MavenGoalTag.runBodyTag(Session session)
 void MavenGoalTag.MavenGoalAction.performAction(Session session)

Uses of Session in org.apache.maven.werkz

Methods in org.apache.maven.werkz with parameters of type Session
 void Action.performAction(Session session)
          Perform the action required to satisfy the Goal.
 boolean Goal.isSatisfied(Session session)
          Determine if this Goal has been satisfied for the specified Session.
(package private)  void Goal.attainPrecursors(Session session)
          Attempt to attain this Goal's precursor Goals.
(package private)  void Goal.percolatePostcursors(Session session)
          Attempt to attain this Goal's postcursor Goals.
 void Goal.attain(Session session)
          Attempt to attain this Goal.
 void Goal.percolate(Session session)
          Attempt to percolate this Goal through to its Postcursors.
 void WerkzProject.attainGoal(java.lang.String name, Session session)
          Attempt to attain the specified goal.
 void WerkzProject.percolateGoal(java.lang.String name, Session session)
          Attempt to percolate the specified goal.

Uses of Session in org.apache.maven.werkz.jelly

Subclasses of Session in org.apache.maven.werkz.jelly
 class JellySession

Methods in org.apache.maven.werkz.jelly that return Session
 Session AttainTag.getSession()
 Session AttainGoalTag.getSession()
          Retrieve the Session to use, if set.

Methods in org.apache.maven.werkz.jelly with parameters of type Session
 void AttainGoalTag.setSession(Session session)
          Set the Session to use.

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