Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

The Team

A successful project requires many people to play many roles. Some members write code or documentation, while others are valuable as testers, submitting patches and suggestions.

The team is comprised of Members and Contributors. Members have direct access to the source of a project and actively evolve the code-base. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. Get involved today. All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.


The following is a list of developers with commit privileges that have directly contributed to the project in one way or another.

Name Id Email Organization Roles TZ Offset Time
Bob McWhirter werken bob@werken.com The Werken Company Java Developer

Jason van Zyl jvanzyl jason@zenplex.com Zenplex Architect

Vincent Massol vmassol vmassol@pivolis.com Pivolis Java Developer

Michal Maczka mmaczka michal@codehaus.org Java Developer

Brett Porter brett brett@apache.org f2 network Developer

+10 Unknown
dIon Gillard dion dion@multitask.com.au Multitask Consulting Java Developer

+10 Unknown
Arnaud Heritier aheritier aheritier@apache.org Octo Technology Release Manager


+1 Unknown
Felipe Leme felipeal maven@felipeal.net Falcon Informatica Developer

-3 Unknown
Vincent Siveton vsiveton vincent.siveton@gmail.com Java Developer

-5 Unknown
Lukas Theussl ltheussl ltheussl@apache.org Developer

-7 Unknown
Shinobu Kawai shinobu shinobu@apache.org Developer

-8 Unknown


There are no contributors listed for this project. Please check back again later.