Using File Name Mapping

It might be necessary to customize the file name of libraries and TLDs. By default, those resources are stored using the following pattern:

  1. @{artifactId}@-@{version}@.@{extension}@

If the artifact has a classifier the default pattern is of course:

  1. @{artifactId}@-@{version}@-@{classifier}@.@{extension}@

The outputFileNameMapping parameter allows you to give a custom pattern. Each token defined in the pattern will be replaced with a value from the current artifact. You can use any property of Artifact and ArtifactHandler as a token. There is also a special token named dashClassifier? that can be used, since 2.1. It will add the string "-yourclassifier" if and only if the artifact has a classifier.

For instance, to store the libraries and TLDs without version numbers or classifiers, use the following pattern:

  1. @{artifactId}@.@{extension}@

To store the libraries and TLDs without version numbers but with classifiers (if they exist), use the following pattern:

  1. @{artifactId}@@{dashClassifier?}@.@{extension}@