Including and Excluding Files From the WAR

It is possible to include or exclude certain files from the WAR file, by using the <packagingIncludes> and <packagingExcludes> configuration parameters. They each take a comma-separated list of Ant file set patterns. You can use wildcards such as ** to indicate multiple directories and * to indicate an optional part of a file or directory name.

Here is an example where we exclude all JAR files from WEB-INF/lib:


Sometimes even such wildcards are not enough. In these cases you can use regular expressions with the %regex[] syntax. Here is a real life use case in which this is used. In this example we want to exclude any commons-logging and log4j JARs, but we do not want to exclude the log4j-over-slf4j JAR. So we want to exclude log4j-<version>.jar but keep the log4j-over-slf4j-<version>.jar.

            Exclude JCL and LOG4J since all logging should go through SLF4J.
            Note that we're excluding log4j-<version>.jar but keeping

If you have more real life examples of using regular expressions, we'd like to know about them.