
Maven 1 to Maven 2 conversion

If you are moving a project from Maven 1 to Maven 2, you can get some help from the Maven One plugin. It can convert your project's project.xml and into a pom.xml. To do this, change to the directory where your project.xml file is located and issue this command on the command line:

mvn one:convert

This goal uses maven-model-converter which not only converts your project model, it also has relocators for many plugins and converters for their configurations. So if you had some configuration properties for the Maven 1 jar-plugin, a converter will try to create a suitable configuration section for the Maven 2 jar-plugin inside your new pom.xml. You need to review the versions for the plugins in pom.xml after it has been created, as the versions might not be the same as for the Maven 1 plugins.

Maven 1.x Plugin Packaging

To package a Maven 1.x plugin using Maven 2.x, you need to include the Maven One plugin in the build section and use a packaging of maven-one-plugin. Like this:


Maven 1.x Local Repository Installation

To have your artifact installed into a local Maven 1.x repository, you add a lifecycle binding to your POM using <executions>:


Note: The plugin section can be shared with the one above in the case of building a Maven 1.x plugin.

This will read the local repository location from ~/, defaulting to ~/.maven/repository.

Maven 1.x Remote Repository Deployment

To have your artifact deployed into an additional remote Maven 1.x repository, you need to add a lifecycle binding to your POM. This configuration will deploy your artifact to the Maven 1.x repository at Apache:


This will not read any settings from the Maven 1.x properties, so the URL is required.

If you configure server settings in your settings.xml file, use the ID of mavenOneRemoteRepository. This can be overridden using the remoteRepositoryId configuration element.

For more information, see the Goal Reference.